Copy and pasteing the email isn’t really working, so i’m attaching the long screenshot
Thanks very much!
That search data says that India is the second highest location for plugin page queries, yet their nearest Jenkins mirror is in China. It reminds me again that we need to find someone to donate a mirror in India, though with the understanding that it will immediately become one of the busiest mirrors in the Jenkins infrastructure.
I think I can explain the high count of queries for the Allure plugin. We had an issue with the tool definition for the Allure plugin and it caused issues for the plugin manager.
I think universities are going to be the best bet, they stay pretty stable and usually have the bandwidth to help out. Are any of the GSOC students this year from india? they might have contacts at their local universities. It seems like is one of debian’s mirrors so it might be worth someone reaching out.
Several of the GSoC students are from India. I like the idea of trying to use a location that is already mirroring a popular operating system. The mirror for the western portion of North America ( is also hosting a Debian mirror.
Looks like is a Linux location for them. I’ll see if I can find contact information from that server.
I found an email address of someone at the university on one of the online forms. I’ve sent them a request in hopes that they will respond.
This months report from google.
algolia queries (Searches with no results):
HF9WKP9QU1_Plugins_20210831-20210906_no_result_searches.csv (39.8 KB)
Algolia Queries
HF9WKP9QU1_Plugins_20210831-20210906_searches.csv (236.7 KB)
Thanks so much for posting that report!
I continue to wonder if there is any reasonable way that we could redirect the “no result searches” for tfs or “team foundation” or “team foundation server” to a page that would encourage someone to consider adopting that plugin.
Likewise I wonder if there is a way to link to the warnings-ng plugin when someone searches for checkstyle and pmd
I believe @zbynek has a thread open about that one. Include excerpt and content in search index · Issue #792 · jenkins-infra/plugin-site · GitHub I don’t have strong opinions about it, I said it was more of a docs decision anyways.
Also we didn’t add any alias
Just decisions need to be made.
Is that because the plugin is archived? I know @zbynek added support for landing on archived plugins. But I guess we are not adding them to search at all. We could do that.