What content is currently indexed in our jenkins.io search?
I tried to find a blog post but it looks like these posts are not part of the index. Then I also tried to find some top level pages without success as well. E.g., I tried “UI”, “gsoc”, “Hafner”, “governance” without any results that I would have expected (only some developer resources).
@MarkEWaite do you know if it was just for the initial setup to exclude blogs and other things? What was the plan?
@olblak According to my original email, only you and @MarkEWaite have access to the jenkins.io interface? Can I get access as well? do you want a ticket?
Based on the description of the Algolia docsearch product at https://docsearch.algolia.com/ , I think that we don’t have any facility to configure docsearch for www.jenkins.io. We’re using their free service. It indexes the /doc/ subtree.