GSoC Mentors Jenkins Operator Discussions about the Jenkins Operator for Kubernetes sub-project. Both user and developer topics are welcome! Code This category is about discussing everything related to code floating around the Jenkins project UX SIG The User Experience SIG focuses on improving the Jenkins’ user interface and user experience. The SIG seeks regular feedback from the community on the current UI and UX and new designs proposed by SIG members and others. We will discuss alternatives, identify compromises, and test implementations to improve the Jenkins UI / UX. Jenkinsfile Runner Everything about Jenkinsfile Runner. Advocacy and Outreach This special interest group offers a venue for discussions around advocacy and outreach in the Jenkins community. Topics covered in this sig may include, events, processes, how to attract new people to the Jenkins project, and how to make the Jenkins community an open and inclusive organization that people want to be part of. GSoC Discussion about the Google Summer of Code Infrastructure Discussion about the Jenkins infrastructure project.