Jenkins GSoC 2023: Office Hours March 23, 2022

Attendees: Alyssa, Mark, Harsh, Sam, Vandit, Kris, Sofia, Loghi, Dheeraj, Ashutosh, Mukul, Sayantan, Lakshmi, Giri, Jagruti, Sofia, Utsav, Saeid, Saarthak, Rahul, Freyam, Mahmoud Galal, Jean-Marc

Agenda & Notes:

  • What about the ideas that have been withdrawn from the project? Communication
  • Guidance on project plans
    • Kris didn’t see any clear patterns of mistakes that were being made in plans
    • Proposals are longer this year (good thing), more detailed, more thought from candidates
    • Times when details were incorrect or imperfect, review comments trying to correct those
  • General message from Jean-Marc
    • Not an easy decision to withdraw an idea, wanted to do it as early as we could
    • Allow potential contributors to propose another idea
    • Balancing the timing of that decision
    • Reasoning behind the decision
      • Respect the time and effort from contributors
      • Assure the contributor has best chance of success with strong mentors
    • If you need further discussion, Jean-Marc is happy to meet for additional discussion
      • Happy to meet by Zoom with one at a time or in small group as needed
      • Want to make this a positive experience for all
      • Email to Jean-Marc to request a meeting time if you’d like
  • Question from Mukul - if people review and comment on the work of others and use good ideas from others, won’t that make all the proposals almost the same?
    • Jean-Marc answers that it is a help to others when we give comments
    • Also provides new ideas that we can copy (much as nature copies working organisms)
      • Allow you to extend that idea to even better ideas
    • Did you understand the problem to solve?
    • Pull requests give practical experience with the project and the specific idea
    • Not a university grading process, this is an open, collaborative process that intentionally shows ideas to others
  • Question from Saarthak Maini - What are the best practices which I can follow while communicating with mentors, project maintainers and the community members in general?
    • Be respectful - have empathy for the people involved (GSoC is not our whole life)
      • Accept that answers may not be immediate, ping again after a day or two
    • Fear not - others are experienced but not unapproachable - don’t hesitate to ask questions
      • A question that you have but do not ask does not help you and does not help others who silently have the same question
    • Be more verbose - “It doesn’t work” is not nearly enough. Mentors can’t help if they can’t see what you are seeing. Good technical communication matters very much
    • Apply your own due diligence - when asking for help, do research yourself
      • Google search is your friend, use it to help
      • The site is your friend, search it
  • Question from Saarthak Maini - What are some of the steps which I can take as a mentee to make it easier for the mentors to guide me in this period?
    • Be patient - accept that it may take a day or two to get an answer
    • Due dili
  • Question from Sam - If more than one candidate is interested in a project idea, how do you choose the contributor among the candidates?
    • In preparation phase, drafting the plans, refining and improving
    • By April 4, contributors submit final proposal
    • Mentors review final proposals beginning April 4
      • Will rank / give a score to each proposal (0 to 5)
        • 0 - junk
        • 5 - killer proposal, strong candidate, well explained, right goals and skills
      • Independent grading by each of the mentors
    • Org Admins review the proposals and the grading
    • Org Admins organize a meeting with each project and mentoring team to decide
      • Which is the best candidate for this project idea?
      • What is the best mentoring team for this project idea?
    • 7 running project ideas, 4 lead mentors
      • Decided that we will limit lead mentor to only lead one project
        • Will look holistically to choose the best projects and mentors for this year
      • No more projects from the Jenkins project than we have lead mentors
    • Org Admins will submit the proposal from Jenkins to Google
      • Org Admins will only propose projects that we are confident we can do well
  • Question from Aditi - In the light of withdrawn ideas, how can I be of most help to my peers
    • Great if you can help others
    • Even better if you can submit a different proposal
  • Question from Sofia - I was wondering if I can post my draft proposal in the Gitter channel even if there are some sections I’m still working on? I would like to get review from the sections I already have, also, my proposal has the possibility to be re-reviewed when finished? Or will be reviewed only once? (in this case, with some sections missing
    • Yes, post links to your draft proposal
    • Most mentors will look at your responses to their comments (love Google Docs)
    • Post a reminder asking for a new review when major changes have been added
  • Question from Sam - When I register the GSoC, there is a question I need to answer: Have you ever contributed to open source before? If I choose yes, I need to write a reason to explain why. It looks like GSoC prefer the people who haven’t contributed to any open source projects yet. Is it correct?
    • GSoC program administrators want to avoid having people with lots of open source experience be the applicants
    • Contributions to the Jenkins project while preparing for GSoC 2023 can be mentioned as what you’ve done as your open source contributions
  • Question from Mukul - What do you think if my idea is great but I don’t have enough experience in that domain. I mean I know Jenkins but there are few things I still have to learn. So will it be considered? And what about if my Idea is bit fuzzy because of less knowledge what will you think of that?
    • General advice - Jenkins project will choose people with the best ability to complete the project successfully
      • OK if your understanding is fuzzy and incomplete, try it, learn from it, use it
      • If not selected this year, continue learning, growing, and apply again in future
      • Exercise the tasks, do the work so that you learn
  • Question from Mahmoud - How can I make my proposal to stand-out on the other candidate, as I got trust that I will be selected? does it matter to send the proposal early, or should I be late, at least to make the perfect one?
    • Create the best proposal that you can. Stand out by doing the best work on your plan
      • Understand the idea
      • Follow the instructions
      • Investigate the idea, create prototypes, fix bugs, submit pull requests
    • Submission deadline is April 4, 2023
      • Submissions are locked down only at April 4, 2023
      • If there is an issue for one of the contributors with a submission, please notify Jean-Marc so that he can assist
  • Question from Mahmoud - does contributing to other open-source will be counted?
    • Yes, an indicator of experience (interesting but not decisive)
    • Jenkins wants our projects to succeed
  • Question from Jagruti - How do I know when is the right time to submit my proposal on the GSoC portal? And the mentors have completed the reviews?
    • Mentor review comments are visible in your document
      • If a review happens without comments, that’s quite surprising
      • Resolve the comment by changing the document
        • A response to a comment is not as effective as a change in the document
    • Dashboard shows review progress for proposals
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