I actually really don’t know where to put this, I want to avoid Staff and make it very open. Please review @oleg-nenashev and @olblak and anyone else who is signed up now.
BCC: jenkins-users, jenkins-infra, jenkins-dev, jenkins-docs
Introducing Community.jenkins.io (Beta)
TL;DR - New centralized community site - https://community.jenkins.io - please join and try it out.
Hey Everyone,
Gavin Here. I’m excited to announce a new sponsored Discourse server - https://community.jenkins.io, a new centralized communication platform we are trying. Yea yea. I know we have a lot already (All Communication Channels that we are aware of still working on the list), but I’m personally hoping this could potentially work as a new centralized one, and we can start shutting down some of the older ones.
Features I’m excited about:
- Moderation Tools
- Moving topics to the right place
- Choose your own subscription model (Per topic, tag, category, sub category, author, etc)
- Polls
- Marking as solved
- Live update of topics (so you see replies without having to refresh)
- Many more - Discourse features | Discourse - Civilized Discussion
How can you help?
- Just login
- Need help? - Ask a question - Jenkins
- Start sharing cool things you’ve done? - Showing Off - Jenkins
- Want to get involved?
- Help out other users
- Provide feedback on new proposals - Contributing - Jenkins
- Subscribe to announcements - Community - Jenkins
- So much more
Or just generally provide some site feedback. We are very new to this, so we probably got categories wrong. We are open to ideas. We want people to get involved and make this a useful space for everyone. We don’t want it a “contributors vs non contributors” but a space that is created for everyone.
As you can hopefully all tell, I’m just really excited about this possibilities. Come join~
Gavin / halkeye
Jenkins Governance Board