Attending: Alyssa Tong, Jean-Marc Meessen, Mark Waite, Bruno Verachten, Kris Stern, Basil Crow
Action items:
- FOSDEM: JMM confirmed receipt of 4K Jenkins stickers, 200 pc postcards, 1 banner.
- January 2023 newsletter round up:
- AI: SIG chairs to provide Jan update for January newsletter
- CDF:
- Other projects under CDF expressed interest to participate in GSoC but were fairly new to the process.
- Given Jenkins in GSoC experiences, Lori (Outreach chair) suggested, with the design help of CDF that we create info graphics not only to share our knowledge with other projects but to help promote Jenkins’ efforts in GSoC.
Messages to be shared with the community:
How to get accepted
Companies should invest in open source (employees being paid to do open source). Employee retention.
OS is a great way to make people grow
Sharing knowledge is important
AI: JMM and AT will drive this with CDF.
- FOSDEM’23 - just need Jenkins & Friends dinner location firmed up. AT awaiting feedback from Damien.
SCaLE 20X - (March 9-12, 2023) booth planning to begin in Feb.
- AT already booked hotel
- AT already booked hotel
cdCon: May 8-9 in Vancouver, Canada
- CFP is open, closes: Friday, February 10
- Review committee has selected 5 early birds submissions. They received 46 early bird submissions on various CD and open source projects topics.
- DevOps World : CFP/Date/location is TBD. Expect to be at a smaller scale.
- Bruno’s talk accepted at DevDay 2023 (Mons, Belgium, end of March).
GSoC Discussion
- Mentoring org application: application is open. Our application response is filled out HERE.
- AI: Org admins to review and provide feedback if any by end of next wk.
- AI: AT plan to submit mentoring org application Feb 6.
- Discuss project ideas, and mentor lineup. The goal is to have a suitable project list along with mentors and co-mentors at the time of application submission. Submission deadline is Feb 7.
- Student prep phase following to follow upon mentoring org acceptance by Google