Attending: Kris Stern, Jean-Marc Meessen, Mark Waite, Kevin Martens, Bruno Verachten
- Action item:
SCaLE 20X - AT has secured a booth for Jenkins. (March 2023)
- Mark made 3 speaking proposals
- CFP has closed
- Jenkins project a regular part of that event
- JMM will send an invitation to past participants to the upcoming webinar
- Kris will get in touch with Yiming
- Mark Waite will send invitations to Dheeraj and others
- Herve Le Meur? Pull requests to jenkins-infra and jenkinsci GitHub orgs to place the notice on the top page of each org
- Monitor the mailing lists and Twitter over the weekend
SCaLE 20X - AT has secured a booth for Jenkins. (March 2023)
GSoC 2023
- How to Prep Submission for Applicants webinar is next Tuesday - Dec 20, 2022 @ 4PM UTC. Dialin via Zoom Launch Meeting - Zoom
- Orientation for interested students
- General preparation session for community involvement
- Promoting the meetup today and Monday?
- Tweet?
- LinkedIn post?
- Invite past participants to attend the webinar
- Hrushikesh, Yiming, Vihaan, Dheeraj, etc.
- Need more project ideas (8 to this day)
- Many entry-level ideas, not high skills requirements
- Medium-complexity projects of interest, need more
- Final deadline for ideas is not until the close of project submissions (March 2023)
- Need more mentors
- Tweet sent yesterday. Any feedback?
- Specific email messages to invite more mentors
- Coaching contributors as they prepare their proposal
- CDF ambassadors may offer some recruiting
- Past experience indicates that direct, personal invitations with an existing project idea are most likely to bring more mentors
- More focused requests directed at individuals
- How to Prep Submission for Applicants webinar is next Tuesday - Dec 20, 2022 @ 4PM UTC. Dialin via Zoom Launch Meeting - Zoom
- December Newsletter will include a recap of the past 11 months
- We’ll target the beginning of January
- AT reached out to CDF and Design Open Source Design for newsletter headline artwork contribution
- No response yet on the request
- MW and Kevin Martens are working on the recap content
- See the Docs Office Hours meeting notes for an outline
- We still need to provide Dec SIGs update
- Each of the SIG leaders submits their part to the newsletter
- Google Doc is used as the draft
JFrog Maintenance blog post regarding downtime on Sunday
- Needs a tweet (proposed in gitter and has received +1’s)
- Pausing jobs because otherwise, they will break
- Notifications posted to
- Write a notification on GitHub too
- Pull requests to jenkins-infra and jenkinsci GitHub orgs to place the notice on the top page of each org
- Include a link to to show
- Announce upgrade by MarkEWaite · Pull Request #29 · jenkins-infra/.github · GitHub
- Pull requests to jenkins-infra and jenkinsci GitHub orgs to place the notice on the top page of each org
- Include more information in the “paused” message on
- Post to with a link to the blog post already done
- Jumbotron page (top page carousel)?
- Monitor the mailing lists and Twitter over the weekend
- Outage starts at 11:00 AM Israel (9:00 AM UTC)
- Events:
- (Jenkins) FOSDEM Feb 4-5, 2023 stand (table) has been approved by the organizer. According to the organizer they only accepted half of the stand applications for 2023 given this is the first in-person event since COVID…we got lucky!! They hope to go back to pre-COVID stand numbers in 2024.
- Action item: AT will start a planning doc and share via
- SCALE 20X Jenkins booth has been approved by the organizer
- (Jenkins) FOSDEM Feb 4-5, 2023 stand (table) has been approved by the organizer. According to the organizer they only accepted half of the stand applications for 2023 given this is the first in-person event since COVID…we got lucky!! They hope to go back to pre-COVID stand numbers in 2024.
- AT & JMM & MW attended the CDF Outreach committee reboot meeting yesterday.
- They shared an updated vision/mission, and roadmap. AT will include the slide deck here upon receipt.
- Well attended by a wide range of projects
- Smaller projects interested in our GSoC experience
- Later meetings, more to come
cdCon: May 8-9 in Vancouver, Canada
- AT signed up to be on their program committee
- Smaller events in Europe and Asia also being considered and prepared
- September in Bilbao
- Later in Japan
- CDF sent a brief communication re: the need for Jenkins GSoC mentors to 51 Ambassadors. At this time we are waiting for volunteers to step up. More to come in the coming weeks.
- CDF Ambassadors are a wider-ranging group, not just Jenkins
Reminder: there’s no meeting on Dec 29, 2022 Happy holidays!