Attending: Alyssa, Jean-Marc Meessen, Mark Waite, Bruno Verachten, Kevin Martens
- Happy New Year!
- Action items:
- FOSDEM planning doc has been sent out. If you’re planning to attend and hasn’t signed up pls do so.
- Jenkins 2022 Recap to be published soon. Thank you to all involved.
- CDF Year in Review: CDF is building out their 2022 year in review post. They’ve requested 3 highlights from each project. AT provided 6 on behalf of Jenkins. Mainly highlighting modernization of Jenkins UI/UX, platform, our involvement in projects like She Code Africa, GSoC, Hacktoberfest. and Jenkins election. Will also share the link to our Jenkins 2022 Recap post once it’s published.
- Events:
- FOSDEM’23 - still need to decide the date and location for the Jenkins & Friends dinner. JMM will help with this.
- Dinner: JMM suggest Sat evening. JMM will coordinate w Damien Duportal
- JMM will attend the GSoC gathering at FOSDEM: networking and connect w/ Google
- BoF: GSoC experience, best practices (JMM)
- SCaLE 20X - (March 2023) booth planning to begin in Feb.
cdCon: May 8-9 in Vancouver, Canada
- CFP is open, closes: Friday, February 10
- AT is on the program committee which will meet next week.
- DevOps World
- CFP committee is forming for the entire conference. AT will be soliciting for volunteers from the community to form a sub-committee to help grade and select submissions for the Jenkins/Community track(s).
- Conference date/location is TBD
- FOSDEM’23 - still need to decide the date and location for the Jenkins & Friends dinner. JMM will help with this.
- GSoC Planning
- (New) Prospect mentors: Saeid Bostandoust , Bervianto Leo Pratama, Rajiv Singh, Loghi Perinpanayagam, Freyam Mehta,
- THANK YOU Kris & Bruno for responding and guiding folks to protocol!
- Project idea proposal - still looking for more project ideas. The more ideas the more options students has
- Mentor round-up webinar: Thursday Jan 19, 2023 @ 4pm UTC
- Blog post: Where we stand atm w/ Jenkins in GSoC
- Next steps:
- Mentoring org application open Jan 23, closes Feb 7: AT to submit application on behalf of Jenkins
- Finalize mentors and project ideas by mid Feb.
- Feb 22, 2023 - accepted mentoring organizations published [Tentative]
- Wk of Feb 27 Establish office hours for potential contributors:
- Help new contributors prepare application, answer doubts
- Mentors present project ideas overview
- Wk of Feb 27 Establish office hours for potential contributors:
- (New) Prospect mentors: Saeid Bostandoust , Bervianto Leo Pratama, Rajiv Singh, Loghi Perinpanayagam, Freyam Mehta,