Attending: Alyssa, Jean-Marc Meessen, Bruno Verachten, Kevin Martens, Ananya S
- Action item:
- AT to create Google form for newsletter. Input to improve the is appreciated
- Contributor Summit - awaiting Mark to send out communication
- What’s new in GSoC 2023:
- Increased flexibility in project lengths (10-22 weeks, not a set 12 weeks for everyone) allowed many people to be able to participate and to not feel rushed
- Program is open to both students and new contributors
- Google published program timeline
- Jenkins GSoC org admins already met to discuss planning. Kris and JMM are working to update 2022 webpages on
- Blog posted for call for mentors/project ideas.
- Concerns looming over lack of project ideas and mentors.
- Jenkins election update
- Voter Registration: 61
- Nominations: 1 nomination per role
- Voting: see blog
- Blog post to announce some time today
- CI CD Devroom CFP | deadline to submit proposals 12th of December 2022. Only running for half a day
- Bruno made submission to the Embedded, Mobile and Automotive devroom
SCALE 20X [Southern California Linux Expo 2023]
- Pasadena, CA | March 9-12, 2023
- 2 Dec, 2022: Deadline for abstracts/proposals submissions
- Bruno gave a talk at Mobile DevOps Summit, but there were technical issues, so we have recorded the talk separately. It is available on a new “parodic” channel.
- JMM: Hacktoberfest - collecting data, will build stats on the impact to measure the contributions. Raw figures will be published via blog or JOM.
- CDF committee - meeting kicking back up, est in mid Dec. They want rep from each project to be represented at the meeting. AT will follow up with them