Regarding beginner friendly issue

@pushker001 please review the video included at

That video series includes several different cases where pull requests are submitted.

See this is showing to me when I try to pull a request

You’re not following the instructions in the document. Please follow the instructions in the document. The instructions say:

  • Checkout a branch to perform the work
git checkout -b add-spotbugs-checks master
  • Add or modify the properties in the pom.xml file
  • Create a pull request
git add pom.xml src/spotbugs
git commit -m "Increase spotbugs effort and threshold"
git push origin --set-upstream add-spotbugs-checks

Notice that the output of the command includes the URL, which can be used to open a pull request. Copy that URL in your web browser and submit a pull request.

Problems I see

Your screenshot shows that you’re using a different branch name than is provided in the instructions. Your screenshot hints that your incorrectly named branch also contains no commits beyond the commits that are on the master branch of the upstream repository. That likely means you didn’t push the commit from your local computer to GitHub. You may also have failed to commit it locally on your computer.

actually, i am doing all this through the video you have provided not doing from the document

please tell me what to do after this I was watching a video that @MarkEWaite share.
my interface is different that shown in video.

I have created a pull request for what should I do next.

hey @MarkEWaite can you help me with adding contributing guide

@pushker001 you need to follow the instructions on the page of the “Improve a plugin” tutorial. Those instructions suggest things that you could consider including in the contributing guide. If you choose to add an item, be sure that you confirm it works (for example, coverage reporting).

In built-in column for running locally should I put the same command?

Thanks for including that screenshot. That page needs to be updated to include Java 17 and to remind maintainers that Java 11 is the most popular Java version for Jenkins users currently.

To run a plugin locally, the command is:

mvn hpi:run

That starts a Jenkins controller with the minimum Jenkins version supported by the plugin and loads the plugin and its dependencies into that controller. Jenkins will be running on port 8080 and can be reached with the URL http://localhost:8080/jenkins/

If a plugin maintainer wants to use a different Jenkins version, they run the command:

mvn -Djenkins.version=2.375.1 hpi:run

If a plugin maintainer wants to use a different HTTP port, (as in http://localhost:9090/jenkins) they run the command:

mvn -Dport=9090 hpi:run

If a plugin maintainer wants to allow other computers to access that Jenkins controller while it is running, they run the command:

mvn -Dhost= hpi:run

See the maven hpi plugin documentation site for more details.


This plugin Adds a column on the jenkins dashboard that shows the actual node the last build was run on.

Why should you contribute

You can contribute in many ways, and whatever you choose we’re grateful! Source code contribution is the obvious one but we also need your feedback and if you don’t really want to participate in the implementation directly you may still have great ideas about features we need (or should get rid of).

We have our vision for the plugin and we have an experience with maintaining Jenkins instances, but the plugin is not supposed to solve only our problems. Surely we haven’t experienced all of them… That’s why we want to hear from you.

Please use GitHub issues if you need to report a bug or request changes/improvements. Whenever you report a problem please provide information about:

  • Plugin version (Configuration as Code plugin as well any other plugin you suspect your problem to be related to)
  • Jenkins version
  • Operating system
  • Description!

Run Locally

Prerequisites: Java, Maven

  • Ensure Java 8 or 11 is available.
  $ java -version	
  • Ensure Maven is included in the PATH environment variable.
  export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/apache-maven-3.8.6/bin
  • To run a plugin locally, the command is:
  mvn hpi:run
  • That starts a Jenkins controller with the minimum Jenkins version supported by the plugin and loads the plugin and its dependencies into that controller. Jenkins will be running on port 8080 and can be reached with the URL http://localhost:8080/jenkins/If a plugin maintainer wants to use a different Jenkins version, they run the command:
  mvn -Djenkins.version=2.375.1 hpi:run
  mvn -Dport=9090 hpi:run
  • If a plugin maintainer wants to allow other computers to access that Jenkins controller while it is running, they run the command:
  mvn -Dhost= hpi:run

is this ok?

That looks good to me.

can you look at this I have created file. Is this correct?

Looks reasonable, though it is much more effective for me (and others) to review changes in GitHub pull requests rather than reviewing them in screenshots. No problem if there are flaws or imperfections in the pull request. We learn together and we learn by pull requests.


hey @MarkEWaite can you provide me with more plugins so I can contribute

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I think this one needs some TLC: GitHub - jenkinsci/promoted-builds-plugin: Jenkins Promoted Builds Plugin

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what should I need to do in it should I add spot bug checks in it?

I think that promoted builds plugin may be a little too high visibility and high complication than you are ready to attempt @pushker001 . If you’re willing to try a few other plugins, they would give you a better experience with lower risk and as much learning as you’ll get from promoted builds. Try the following plugins instead:

I just completed a first step on those two plugins to perform minimal modernization so that new versions could be released. They both would benefit from:

  • More spotbugs checks
  • Add a contributing guide

They would also benefit from additional automated tests if you would like to learn more about writing automated tests with JUnit.


What is the problem in this build failure showing after mvn clean verify

yes sure I would love to learn about writing automated test