Question about update notification

We have two different ubuntu servers, both running Jenkins version 2.479.1

In ‘Manage Jenkins’ page one server shows:

New version of Jenkins (2.479.2) is available for [download]”

And the other one shows:

New version of Jenkins (2.487) is available for [download]”

This is not really an issue at the moment but I’m just wondering how that notification works? Why it is suggesting different version even though both servers are running the same version at the moment.

There was a problem with the Jenkins update center last week where a user reported a similar behavior. The problem was fixed in the Jenkins infrastructure and the user confirmed it was fixed by opening the plugin manager page from “Manage Jenkins” → “Plugins”
( /manage/pluginManager/ ) and pressing the update button in the top right corner of the page. Since your system with the issue is reporting 2.487 and 2.488 was released two days ago, I think that a refresh from the plugin manager will also resolve the issue that you are seeing.

If that does not resolve the issue, then confirm that you’re using the correct update center in “Manage Jenkins” → “Plugins” → “Advanced settings”. The update center documentation says the value should be:

Thanks. Update center url is correct & set to same on both servers. However now I noticed that when I try to click the update button (on the Plugins page) it gives error:

“There were errors checking the update sites: SSLHandshakeException: Remote host terminated the handshake”

That’s strange because the plugin updates have worked before & we have the update center certificate added to the /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts

This error comes up only on server that is suggesting update to version 2.487. Plugin manager update refresh works fine on the other machine…

That should not be necessary if you are running a recent Java version. It already includes the necessary root certificates.

If it really is necessary, then it will likely need an update because 18 Nov 2024 we deployed a new update center.