Are Jenkins 2.222.1 & Open text Application Automation Tools 7.0 still supporting LR Professional community 2022 edition?

Despite installation of Jenkins 2.222.1 through windows installer, Plugins are failing to install due to version compatibility issues.

Jenkins 2.222.1 is not supported by the Jenkins project. It was released over three years ago. The current LTS release is Jenkins 2.414.2.

Per the update center documentation, the Jenkins update center publishes version specific update sites for releases that are up to a year old. The page says:

Jenkins adds a query parameter ?version to the update site URL. This lets the update site offer plugin releases compatible with your version of Jenkins. At the moment, Jenkins weekly and LTS releases up to a year old are supported; anything older will receive update metadata for the oldest supported releases.

That means the 3 year old Jenkins 2.222.1 received a list of plugins from the update center that are compatible with a much newer version of Jenkins, not with Jenkins 2.222.1.