Unable to Download Update-Center.json for Jenkins LTS 2.479.2

I’m upgrading Jenkins from 2.426.3 to the latest LTS version (2.479.2). While attempting to download plugins, I faced a 404 error for the following URL: updates.jenkins.io/dynamic-stable-2.479.2/update-center.json
After investigation, I found that this URL is not indexed in: mirrors.jenkins.io/updates/

Steps taken so far:

  1. Verified the redirected URL and confirmed that the update-center.json file is missing.
  2. Checked the Jenkins mirrors but couldn’t find the dynamic update file for 2.479.2.

Could you please guide me on:

  • Whether the update-center for 2.479.2 is available?
  • How to proceed with the upgrade if the file is missing?

Thanks for your help!

As far as I understand the Jenkins update center documentation, you do not need to access the URL http://updates.jenkins.io/dynamic-stable-2.479.2/update-center.json. The instructions in the Jenkins update center documentation say:

To configure this default update site in Jenkins, specify https://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json in Manage Jenkins » Plugins » Advanced .

That configuration will allow the plugin manager page in Jenkins 2.479.2 to present a list of plugins that are compatible with Jenkins 2.479.2.

An obsolete shell script may have incorrectly tried to use that form of URL to retrieve the list of plugins that are compatible with Jenkins 2.479.2. If it did, that was a mistake in the shell script.

If you are managing your Jenkins plugins as code and trying to download plugins that are compatible with Jenkins 2.479.2, please use the plugin installation manager tool. That tool understands Jenkins plugin dependencies and Jenkins versions.