Proposal: Adding profile pages to GitHub orgs

Hi all, GitHub currently supports adding profile pages to organizations, similarly to what was done for users a while ago (e.g. my profile:

I suggest adding pages to all our GitHub orgs so that we could redirect potential contributors and users to our resources.


I link this idea very much. If I understand correctly we just have to drop a in GitHub - jenkins-infra/jenkins-infra: Jenkins main control repo for R10k and our Puppet Enterprise managed infrastructure?

We would need to drop it in GitHub - jenkins-infra/.github: Global configurations for the Jenkins Infrastructure organization on GitHub , but it is correct otherwise

Thanks, I could easily configure it on a different organization and it would be useful to have a small description of the project there

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I like the example that @timja posted at timja-org · GitHub very much. The idea seems really good to me.

Would it make sense to have cross organisation reference such

jenkinsci → jenkins-infra
jenkinsci → jenkinsci-zh
jenkins-infra → jenkinsci
jenkins-infra → jenkinsci-zh
jenkinsci-zh → jenkinsci
jenkinsci-zh → jenkins-infra

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Or we could just add a “GitHub Organizations map” somewhere on the Jenkins website. It is already listed on Contribute code to some extent, but we could do more