Localizing Jenkins with Crowdin Enterprise

The recording to today’s session is below:

DATE & TIME: Thursday, May 12th, 2022 @ 5:00PM UTC

LOCATION: Zoom - link will be visible to those who RSVP

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Jenkins-online-meetup/events/285677298/

Alexander Brandes, Bruno Verachten, and Mark Waite have been exploring the Crowdin Enterprise localization tool. They use it to localize the messages and online help in Jenkins plugins. It simplifies the localization process for translators. They propose translations from a web browser, then a proofreader reviews, adapts, and approves the translation, and a GitHub pull request is submitted with the translation.

The tool feels like it will fit very well into Jenkins development. They would like to show the tool so that others can help with translations.

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Thanks a lot for creating this meetup @alyssat , I do hope the replay will be very helpful for lots of people wanting to help with the localization of Jenkins plugins. :+1:
@NotMyFault and @MarkEWaite made a fantastic job installing, documenting and interacting with Crowdin.
For all plugin maintainers, adding their plugin into Crowdin for a collaborative localization is now very easy, and will be even easier very soon thanks to the work of @hlemeur.
Anyway, you will find all this information much better explained in the video by Mark and Alex :blush:


Thanks to everyone being there! The recording will be available soon, but for the meantime, I have proposed a few documents outlining how to work with crowdin.jenkins.io in text form: Jenkins Crowdin Integration

Feedback is welcome!

~ Alex


Nice job @NotMyFault ! :+1:
Thanks to @MarkEWaite , the slides are now available there: Localizing Jenkins with Crowdin Enterprise - Google Slides .

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To this day, 8 plugins have already been added to Crowdin.
Keep up the good work!

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@MarkEWaite Incase I forget, this is good things to add to the end of the governance meeting.

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We now have 9 plugins added to Crowdin. :+1:
Several of them propose up to 29 langages to translate to… One of them is maybe your mother tongue?
Why not give it a chance? :blush:

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