Jenkins Java 8 best LTS version before switching to Java 11 or 17

Hello Jenkins Community,
Quick question on the LTS versions that still use Java 8.
As follows please:

I noticed weekly releases and future LTS versions, will soon require Java 11 or 17.
SEE Java requirements

I work on a large team that cannot switch to Java 11 or 17, yet.
We need to upgrade our Jenkins to the best Java 8 - supported LTS version.
What is the MOST STABLE LTS version (opinions?) that uses Java 8?
Very important that I get the most stable 1.8 LTS version…

John Dove

It depends on how you define stability. If your definition of “most stable LTS” is “the oldest LTS release that has no open security advisories”, then Jenkins 2.332.4 is the “most stable LTS”. If your definition of “most stable LTS” is “the most deeply tested LTS release”, then Jenkins 2.346.1 is the “most stable LTS”. If your definition of “most stable LTS” accepts known security issues, then you could choose a version older than 2.332.4.

Both Jenkins 2.332.4 and Jenkins 2.346.1 support Java 8.

The next LTS baseline (expected to be released in September) will require Java 11. Start the process to move your organization to Java 11. See the blog post

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Thank you for the quick reply and advice on this.

I will report back to my team with this news.

Thanks again,

John Dove

Start the process to move your organization to Java 11. See the blog post


I will let them know.

Just to clarify, the Java 11 requirement is only for the runtime for the Jenkins binary (and agents).

Users should still be able to build Java 8 (or other) jobs using proper Global tool configurations (OpenJDK or Oracle ).

Or you also use Maven toolchains for multiple jdk.



Thank you Ian.

We are using toolchains.


~ John