Advocacy & Outreach SIG Meeting - 2024 05 30

Attendees: AT, Bruno, Kris, JMM


  • GSoC
    • Coding period has begun, contributors are progressing along nicely.
    • AT working with contributors on the Key Takeaways for Bonding Period blog post, eta publish tomorrow/Monday. Thank you Kris for this idea.
    • Next milestone:
      • Midterm evaluation: July 18.
      • Midterm presentations (Jenkins online meetup): July 11 @ 1pm UTC. Call info TBA
    • KS: once before July, after GSoC office hours - org admins to meet. AT will schedule.
  • Contributor spotlight stories
    • We have story from Rajiv
    • Currently 5 stories are in the queue for Kevin to review.
    • Pivoted, will do “GSoC” month for June
      • Vandit up first, followed by Harsh
  • Strengthen community efforts
    • JMM & Bruno have been working on data collection
    • Next steps: Kris create Thank You notes based on the cvs
      • “Thank you” content discussion ?
        • We want name, handle, # of contributions, add links to repositories, avatar, link to the GitHub page for the contributor
        • Kris will create prototype for our next Advocacy meeting.
    • Bruno discovered a bug in query.
    • How do we thank: swag, giving public recognition