There is a Jenkins plugIn to convert html file to pdf?

Dear all,
I’m looking for a Jenkins PlugIn that is able to convert an html file to Pdf.
Could you please indicate to me if there are some plugins that I can use for this purpose?
Thanks in advance

I believe pandoc is cross platform.

Any reason you need it to be specifically a plugin?

I halkeye,
i prefer to have a plugIn because I can run my jenkins Pipeline from windows or from unix Systems and it is quite difficoult to require to install on each system the command line tool you mentioned.

This is the reason why I’m looking for an Jenkins plugin.

There’s no plugins listed @ Search Results

It looks pretty easy to install on windows (choco or winget) - Pandoc - Installing pandoc
On your pipeline you go

script {
 if (isUnix()) {
   sh('pandoc ...')
 } else {
   bat('pandoc ...')
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Yes, I already use the isUnix() functionality on my pipeline.
I was looking for a plug in to avoid to require to our system administrator to install the ‘pandoc’ utility on each systemts (windows and Linux redhat).
Anyway, if no plugIn exists for this purpose, I’ll try to ask to them to install on each system the pandoc.


There’s the tool system you can use, with the tool() step, which will auto “install” things you need, but I’m not sure it’ll work with a windows installer. It can extract zips though, that might also be an option.