New "Thanks" or "Kudos" or "Acknowledgements" category?

We intend to actively thank Jenkins contributors using Jenkins social media and personal accounts. A few examples below. What if we create a category in this channel for such kinds of thanks and discussions?

I really really love the idea just not sold on the fact it needs its own category yet. Do you want to do a new community thread like i did for intros? That way every time someone ads a new Jenkins Love to that thread, it pops back to the top and everyone can see it.

Agreed. Let’s just do a topic. I will create one on behalf of the system

I have created Thanks to contributors 🙏 as a thread suggested by @halkeye. FTR Discourse itself handles it via labels: praise - Discourse Meta. Based on that, I have also created the “praise” label in this Discourse so that users can start separate threads (e.g. like #ThanksKohsuke on Twitter last year). Topics tagged praise

And, finally, I have started #ThanksKohsuke: Let's thank Kohsuke - the Creator of Jenkins!
Kudos to @halkeye for the reminder in Gitter