Minimum Jenkins version required to support Mac ARM64 architecture

When I installed Jenkins version 2.401.3 on Mac M1 device (AMR64 architecture), it is showing as x86_64 in the node list but when I installed Jenkins version 2.426.3 it is showing correctly as arm64 node.

So I need to know from which Jenkins version Mac ARM support is available? I couldn’t find any official documentation about this.

Reproduction steps

  1. Install Jenkins version 2.401.3 on Mac M1 device and go to the node list and see the architecture type
  2. Install Jenkins version 2.426.3 on Mac M1 device and go to the node list and see the architecture type

You can also set up an agent with Mac M1 device and observe different architecture in different versions.

The architecture listed in the node list is provided by the Java virtual machine. It is not something that Jenkins controls. Are you certain that you used the same Java virtual machine in both cases?

Yes I have used same JVM in both cases.