Migrating data to new instance - missing Configure Global Security settings

Jenkins setup:
Kubernetes Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye), image jenkins/jenkins:2.346.1-lts-jdk11

Trying to migrate Jenkins to a new better managed k8s cluster, I’ve successfully migrated the jenkins_home volume to my test cluster and can see the existing jobs, however I notice that the Configure Global Security section is blank.

Is there any way to migrate this data to a new Jenkins instance too?
Are there any other things I may have missed that are not stored in the Jenkins_home directory?

Update: It actually looks like the config is copied, but is overwritten when the new Jenkins starts. Possibly because it can’t decrypt the secret?

Maybe you have a CasC enabled that overwrites the security settings
Do you run on kubernetes with a helm chart maybe that configures something?
It should be sufficient to copy the complete JENKINS_HOME

Thanks Markus, that’s the conclusion I have come to this afternoon. Still trying to work out how to turn off the overwriting, but I think that’s the right direction!

The setting I was looking for was
controller.JCasC.defaultConfig: false

Annoyingly, Argo didn’t apply it correctly the first time I tried this, so I wasted a lot of time…