We are beginning to plan for GSoC 2024. We are looking for project ideas for potential GSoC contributors to work on that would help better Jenkins. See here for last year’s project ideas. To propose new project ideas, here’s how.
We are also in need of mentors. If you or someone you know who wants to make an impact pls respond to this email. Mentor guidelines are here.
Of course, you can follow the link provided by @alyssat to learn how to propose a new project idea. Your contributions and ideas are valuable to us.
I contributed to Jenkins in GSoC 2022. I want to be a Mentor for GSoC 2024 and guide new contributors. I am excited and want to be part of this journey.
For GSoC’24, I would like to be a mentor. As a contributor during GSoC’23, I gained a lot of knowledge and insight into the Jenkins project that i would like to give back to the Jenkins community.
I am eager to help someone and share everything I’ve learned from being a part of the Jenkins Community and this is a wonderful opportunity.