Important: For potential GSoC candidates who are submitting draft proposals for review

Hi All,

If you’re planning to submit a draft proposal for review, pls submit it via this form. Only submissions made to the form will get reviewed.

Deadline to submit your draft proposal for review: March 22, 2024

Thank you,
GSoC org admins


Hello Alyssat,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out regarding the timeline section of the draft proposal. At present, it appears there may be limited content to fill this section comprehensively. Would you recommend leaving it as is until more details become available, or should we proceed by filling in the information we currently possess and leave the rest of the timeline as it is? Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Sunidhi - apologies for the late response. I see you’ve submitted your draft proposal. The draft proposal should consist of ‘your suggested plan’. The timeline is ‘your’ suggestion. You probably got this answered already. If not, let me know if you need additional clarification.


Hello Alyssa,

Thanks for clarifying the matter. Consequently, I have adjusted the time frame outlined in my proposal and maintained the sections regarding the ‘extended time period’ as they were. I have ensured that all necessary components have been incorporated, and I am now ready to submit the proposal.If there are any sections I could improve on please do let me know.

Thank you.
Sunidhi prabhu