The current picker isn’t very easy to use if people have the same or similar names, so I’m integrating a web component from Microsoft that adds more information to help you pick the correct user and group,
I hope people like it
Longer term I would like to allow security realms to contribute a user picker to an authorisation strategy, currently the AzureAD plugin has an authorisation strategy extending from the Matrix Auth one just to make it easier to pick users
Looks pretty good! I wish we could provide a similar UX for other plugins like Matrix Auth, Role Strategy and Folder Auth. I understand the library is single-vendor focused, but maybe we could extend the Jenkins Core’s user API to support AJAX calls inn plugins
I found that the existing autocomplete behaviour in Jenkins was too limited. I needed more information than just a string and richer display ideally.
I had a look around and found this off the shelf component which was perfect for my needs
So I would possibly re-purpose the above ask to integrate lookup in each authorisation strategy directly with an extension point, even if just a jelly extension. I may give it a go if I have time.
I would like to get rid of the Azure Ad authorisation strategy, the main reason it exists is to make it easier to select users and to use group display names rather than just uuid’s, that may not be so easy to add support for though
What did you end up using? There’s some really nice web component auto complete libraries that should be pretty portable, though i’m still scared of the prototype tojson hacks.