Attending: Jean-Marc Meessen, Mark Waite, Kris Stern, Dheeraj Singh Jodha, Utkarsh Tiwari, Vihaan Thora, Hamees Sayed
- Questions from potential GSoC contributors.
- [Dheeraj]: Can we also discuss here the projects that haven’t been selected yet, but are under discussion for now (e.g., Plugin Health Score)?
- What’s the plugin health score project idea?
- Jenkins administrators want to know the condition of a plugin before installing it
- Plugin maintainers want to know the attributes of a well maintained plugin
- Want to improve the health of their own plugin
- What are the attributes of a well maintained plugin?
- (the “probes” of values) - with stats
- What criteria could we automate to assess plugin health?
“Contributing to Open Source” document provides ideas
- Proof of concept (PoC) ideas to assess plugin health
- Are dependencies current?
- How many open issues are there?
- What is the distribution of those values across all the plugins
- How will we show the results to the administrators?
- Plugin site?
- Jenkins plugin manager?
- How will we show/present the results to maintainers?
- Checks from the buildPlugin on
- Plugin site?
- Jenkins plugin manager?
- Review the recordings of previous sessions
- Discussion of project ideas:
- Any general suggestions for learning Jenkins and understanding the project.
- Next meeting Feb 18, 2022 @ 3AM UTC [Asia]
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