Attendees: Kris, Bruno, JMM, Alyssa, Antoine, Jagruti, Harsh, Vandit, Ashutosh
Agenda & Notes:
- Two members of GSoC requested extensions to complete their projects around September 19
- Two projects will complete by next Monday UTC
- Public presentations will be held on September 14 at 15:00 UTC
- Code products will be submitted during the last week of the respective projects
- Projects roundup
- Plugin Health Scores – Jagruti
- Last week started on a new probe – incremental build probe
- This week’s focus is to implement Antoine’s suggestions
- Bought the Head-First OOP Design book and started working on it on JMM’s suggestion
- GitLab Plugin Modernisation – Harsh
- Blog has been published
- Has submitted code product to Google
- Some more interactive testing will be done by Mark on coming weeks
- Wish could extend the project longer to get more done
- Building with Alternative Tools – Vandit
- Extending deadline for project
- Raised a PR for the Blog feature with Gatsby and Strapi
- Main milestone is Antora Docs have been completed
- Will give ourselves two weeks to get up to speed with the latest changes to and to check each link
- Docker Quickstart – Ashutosh
- Blog post has been published
- Got a problem with the infra team not having the bandwidth to deploy the products
- Currently the documentation will need the input of the infra team, but would like to get things done before Hacktoberfest, so we could include the work then, maybe even become a maintainer later
- Plugin Health Scores – Jagruti