Attendees: Kris, JMM, Bruno, Alyssa, Adrien, Dheeraj, Rajiv, Jagruti, Harsh, Vandit
Agenda & Notes:
- Ashutosh cannot attend since away from home
- As usual
- What did you learn this past week?
- Plugin Health Scores – Jagruti
- Worked on 3rd party probe
- Learned parameterized test cases
- Writing a new test case
- Learning more about Maven
- Learning about the different scenarios including the edge cases
- Adrien happy about Jagruti’s progress, wants to focus on testing and Maven
- Building with alternative tools – Vandit
- Learned about Regex and scripting and applying to project
- JMM recommends the using of Regex 101 website for validating Regex
- Kris wants to be more on top of things, will need to move towards using PR’s for progress checking
- Docker Quickstart – Ashutosh
- Slow progress at first
- A lot of work to make things simple for the user for a quickstart
- Ashutosh has to learn about PR’s and issues
- Bruno hopes next week project will pick up speed next week
- GitLab plugin modernisation – Harsh
- Did a lot like the draft PR’s (1st and 2nd)
- Will need to make a proper PR for Basil to review
- Having problems with making a SNAPSHOT for gitlab4j-api on Apple M1
- GitLab just released some breaking changes
- One third is almost done
- 2nd PR brought back backwards-compatibility
- Milestone mid-July
- Presentation to the community before the evaluations take place
- Will need to confirm a time particularly with Alyssa
- Tentatively Thursday July 6th during time normally reserved for the Office Hours
- Adrien will be away during the proposed time, but will work with Jagruti to prepare for the midterm presentation
- Harsh has exam on July 6th - 13th
- Adrien suggested recorded presentations
- Or we could move the time to either before or later
- Harsh will discuss with mentors about possible solutions tomorrow
- Vandit will have exams around June 30th
- Vandit will need to talk to mentors as well to follow up
- Next week JMM will have 1-on-1 meetings with contributors