[GSOC 2023 PROPOSAL] DivvSaxena Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC) drift detector

Hello Everyone, I would love to contribute to Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC) drift detector
Here is my draft proposal for GSOC 2023
Draft proposal : GSOC2023_DivvSaxena_JenkinsConfigurationasCode(JCasC)driftdetector
Thank you
Divv Saxena

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Hello Divv,

Thank you to share your drafty draft :wink:. It is a start. Don’t forget to use the recommended template for the proposal: it contains all the topics you should cover in your proposal.

Your proposal document is not just to apply for GSoC but rather to convince us (mentors and Jenkins Community) that you are the best qualified for this project.

Convince us that

  • you master the subject,
  • you have a clear view of what needs to be done and how,
  • you have original and creative ideas
  • you have the necessary experience with development and Jenkins

The purpose of the evaluation is to be certain that we have the best candidate with the highest chances to bring the project to a successful end (for Jenkins, the mentors, and yourself).

So continue working on the proposal and let us know when there is more material to review.

/- Jmm

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