2023-05-26 (Asia)
- Mark Waite
- Meg McRoberts
- 2.401.1 changelog and upgrade guide is due by end of this week
- Mark submitted pull request
- Bruno to review it once the pull request is ready
- Meg invited to review as well
- Internationalization and localization pull request from JE-Chen
- Preview site of initial pull request
Preview site of Mark Waite extensions of the proposal
- Adds “Translate a properties file” how to guide
- Adds “Translate a help file” how to guide
- Move Crowdin section nearer the internationalization section
- Thanks to JE-Chen for reviving the stalled PR
- Mark finished his additions, push to Jeffrey’s branch
- Meg and others invited to review the pull request once it is near final
- End of life notifications in Jenkins core
- Pull request merged, will be in Jenkins 2.407 and in Jenkins 2.413.1
- Needs a blog post
- Create a community.jenkins.io post and link to it from the blog post
- Should we have a dedicated page for the operating system redirect?
- Describe operating systems that are end of life and recommended transitions
- Link to the blog post as the redirect destination
- Google Summer of Code
- Documentation processes to track GSoC projects
- Alternatives, techniques used in the past
- Early end of life for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (and derivatives) in the Jenkins project
- Message sent to Jenkins developer list
- No negative responses, proceeding
- Steven Vaughn-Nichols article noted other projects are dropping support
- Next LTS baseline will include the change (August, 2.413.1…)
- Message sent to Jenkins developer list