2023-06-01 (EU/US)
- Mark Waite
- Bruno Verachten
- 2.401.1 released with changelog and upgrade guide
- What’s new live stream starts in 30 minutes
- Internationalization and localization pull request from JE-Chen merged
- New pull request has been submitted to migrate another page or two
- End of life notifications in Jenkins core
- Pull request merged, will be in Jenkins 2.407 and in Jenkins 2.413.1
blog post complete
- Create a community.jenkins.io post and link to it from the blog post
- Should we have a dedicated page for the operating system redirect?
- Point to the blog post for now, dedicated page later
- Bruno update the redirect to point to the blog post
- Redirect on https://www.jenkins.io/redirect/operating-system-end-of-life
- Change jenkins.io/operating-system-end-of-life.adoc at d1c340fbb8d8cbbd6c6ded8b9ef7f099e796a107 · jenkins-infra/jenkins.io · GitHub
- Point to the blog post instead of Linux requirements page
- May Newsletter needs submissions
- Mark owes several submissions, get them ready soon