not working in legacy browsers?

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve tested on several mobile devices. These devices are using a legacy version of Firefox 68.11.0, the last one before Mozilla botched the UI. As of some point on Monday or Tuesday this week, I can no longer see the content of

The pages (main page, /latest, or a known topic) appear to take some seconds to load but then are blank. Switch to Request Desktop site or View source also gives a blank page. This most likely affects not just FF on Android, but a number of other legacy browsers, assuming this is a similar issue that broke StackExchange last month (for the second time).

I recognize we can’t have legacy support forever, but S/E fixed it once before and we hope they do again. As for here, wondering if anyone admins know what could have changed this week and if anything can be done. Alternatively, with that info, do I report it to Discourse? Some version info would help to report.


we don’t manage any of it, its sponsored by the official discourse group, so they’ll know what version we are using and everything. We are in the EU 2 datacenter. Meta tag in the header/source says Discourse 2.9.0.beta2

We don’t get told about any upgrades applied. And I created a new category and group this week, but I don’t think either could contribute to slowness.

apparently its because replaceAll is not available in firefox 68.

Sauce Labs at about 00:17 shows the error message.

Thanks for investigating, @halkeye . I have reported this to Discourse Support. Let’s see what the outcome is.

Interestingly, I fired up a WINXP PC running FF 52.9.0 ESR and notwithstanding the banner “your browser is too old to work in this site”, the site appeared to load fine, so it seems rather specific/esoteric.

I was going to say you might be new enough to support <script type=module (often used to have a legacy huge bundle, and a modern small bundle) but not new enough for modern javascript features. But i don’t see discourse html actually using it. But it has to do some sort of feature detection so older browsers still work. Maybe ff 52 renders things as static html, while 68 tries to render javascript?

Lots of modern build systems use GitHub - browserslist/browserslist: 🦔 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env to decide what to what browsers to support these days, I’m guessing with firefox 100 around the corner, 68 dropped off the list of browsers of commonly used browsers.

I donno though. Good luck. For what its worth, i’ve been pretty happy with android firefox lately.

We use the SaaS version of Discourse, and we do not manage it.
fSo reporting the issue to Discourse is a way to go IMHO

Looks like a fix is forthcoming.

Also, the issue was somewhat more widespread, affecting iOS/iPhone6 as well.

Yay co founder even shared your post Discourse not loading on legacy browsers - bug - Discourse Meta

We famous

@halkeye , today Discourse appears to have applied a fix, but it’s only partial.

The site now displays a “browser is too old” banner, the logo, the footer and in the case of this site, the Categories (w/totals). But no actual topics are displayed. Discourse has not categories, so just no topics displayed.

No idea how to provide any more details to them. Could you possibly retry whatever you did w/saucelabs and see what it produces now?


There’s no errors in the console log. You can use though. We did change the default landing page from just a list of topics to categorical list of topics. is my full saucelabs session but doesn’t really have anything useful.

Yes! Seems to be working properly again! Took a lot more effort than I expected on the part of Discourse but greatly appreciate the efforts.

Now if I can only convince StackOverflow to once again revert their breaking change…