Jenkins UI Issue After Clicking on Build - Assistance Required

Hi Team,

We are currently experiencing an issue with the Jenkins UI. We are using a reverse proxy to access Jenkins over HTTPS, and everything was functioning correctly until recently. However, over the past two months, after clicking on a build, we are being redirected to an error page.

We have been actively investigating the issue but have not yet been able to find a solution. Could you please provide any updates or guidance on resolving this issue?

Your assistance is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Hi Team,

Is there any update on this?

Are you using the latest LTS version of Jenkins? If not first update to latest LTS and check if the problem persists.
I remember having seen something like this sporadically some months ago but not lately.

Hi Markus,

We have updated to the latest LTS version i.e; Version 2.492.2. But still getting the error page after clicking on the build option.