After upgrade to 2.452.4 am unable to see my job content

I have upgrade my prod jenkins version from 2.401.3 to 2.452.4 facing issue in job configuration we are using activity directory for our security. users are unable to see there jobs content like testing Graph for there project. As a admin i can see all Graph i have added that user as admin he is able to see the Graph but admin access i can’t give to other users. and i set the job configuration and given access to user but content also not able to see How to resolve this?

The issue you’re facing with users not being able to see their job content, such as testing graphs, after upgrading Jenkins might be related to permission settings. :thinking:

Would you have any logs to share?

Hi @poddingue

dont have any logs only users is facing this issue in project they not enabled any project based security. and after enabling the project based security also they are not able to see.

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only they are getting the error on viewing the graphs getting the error like this in developer tool
width=300&height=220 403 (Forbidden)

The url you give here looks as if this is a link to an image in a user view.
So if other users try to access this url they will not be able to access them anymore, see Jenkins Security Advisory 2024-08-07

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Thanks for your support am trying to downgrade my version to 2.452.1

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Be aware that you will have unpatched security issues when you stick to an older version.