Attending: Alyssa, Bruno Verachten, Jean-Marc Meessen, Mark Waite, FatihDegirmenci
- Welcome Fatih Degirmenci - General Manager, CDF
- Fatih’s vision for CDF:
- Always put community first. Making community more visible, putting it front and center.
- End users - giving end users a platform to speak, share their stories so to help other with their experiences.
- Technology - stay plugged into the latest and greatest. Position CDF as forefront of technology.
- Governing board - must have full transparency, support, open communications.
- How we work together:
- Constant sharing of info
- Provide projects a platform to speak, share content
- Keep communications going across the different communities
- Fatih’s vision for CDF:
- GSoC Update:
- Holding weekly projects status update
- Online meetup to share results and highlight progress: July 21, 2022 & mid Aug
- GSoC contributors Invitations to DevOps World. Work in progress - AT & JMM to work on finances
SCaLE19X: Southern CA Linux Expo | July 28-31, 2022 at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport in Los Angeles, CA.
- Booth planning in progress
- Kohusuke Kawaguchi will be joining us at the booth.
DevOps World:
- Sept 27 - 29 Orlando,CA
- In person Contributor Summit - Tuesday Sept 27, 2022
- Jenkins contributors attending the conference are encouraged to join us.
- BV & AT are driving planning efforts. All are welcome to participate in the planning
- Booth staff volunteers are welcome!
- Community discount code: DW22JENKINSRTE (effective July 6, 2022 - reg price $950)
- Jenkins infra - commercial agreement is up for discussion. MW will reach out to Fatih to discuss