Alyssa Tong (@alyssat), Kris Stern, Mark Waite (@MarkEWaite), Jean-Marc Meessen (@Jmm), Dheeraj (@dheerajodha)
End of the year blog post work in process - Mark
- Highlight people: participants, mentors, sponsors
- Highlight improvements, core, security, doc improve
- She Code Africa - Mark
- Will participate in 2022. Planning has started
- Discussions currently in the Docs Office Hours
- Need additional project initiatives/ideas/improvements: test automation, naming, pipeline improvements, multiple tutorials on jenkins.io, screenshot updates, Gitpod dev environment
- Mark start discussion and invite mentors to help
- JOM:
- Jan 26 - Setup for Jenkins Dev Environment
- Future JOM ideas: Etienne Studer of Gradle Enterprise - find ways to improve performance of tests for Jenkins. Gradle Enterprise has tool that may help us avoid running some tests.
- Future JOM ideas: KK of Launchable willing to do separate JOM w/ similar theme (as above). Mark would like to join this discussion.
- Launchable is heavily focus on finding ways to choose which test you should run.
- GSoC Knowledge Transfer - Thank you Oleg! [topic discussion postponed]
- Jenkins GSoC. Notes for org admins: Jenkins GSoC. Notes for org admins - Google Docs
- GSoC 2022
- Proposed project ideas: GSoC '22 Project Ideas - Google Docs
- Project planning doc: GSoC - Planning Doc - Google Docs
Upcoming deliverables: Project ideas, prep content for application submission - Feb 7