Alyssa Tong (@alyssat), Jean-Marc Meessen (@Jmm), Mark Waite (@MarkEWaite)
- Modernizing plugins initiative - Mark
- Development is ongoing
- Developer tutorial on
- Jean-Marc had adopted a new plugin
- Mark provide a link to a dev copy of the tutorial to Jean-Marc
- Upcoming events and planning - Alyssa
- FOSDEM Feb 5-6, 2022
- Online event
- Don’t have plans for submitting a stand application
- Discussion in the Governance board about not hosting a stand
- Stand allows us a place to list our content
- More value from the stand than if people visit the stand
- Alyssa take the lead on finding that compromise
- CI/CD Dev Room - Olivier Vernin
- Proposing talks for that dev room
- JMM: We should promote this to the Dev list to get folks from the community to submit talks and ways they can contribute.
- Should propose our talk ideas as well
- Assemble talk archive / collection to be ready
- Gitpod experience story
- Modernizing a plugin story
- Mentoring internationally
- More
- Need CFP deadline dates from Olivier Vernin
- Proposing talks for that dev room
- Booths available, low activity
- Swag as a way to increase booth traffic?
- JMM: Sticker is a good idea
- AT: will look into the logistics and see whether this is a heavy lifting deal.
- Traffic generator ideas are welcomed
- JMM: Promote She Code Africa to attract people and promote the event
- Swag as a way to increase booth traffic?
- Online event
- SCALE 19x - March 3-6, 2022
- In-person conference in Pasadena, California, USA
- Mark plans to travel there, Jenkins booth
- Mark submitted a talk proposal using DevOps World talk
- Not yet accepted
- Training Room
- Jenkins Pipeline Training - high interest in the past
- CloudBees events team requested to fund the $3000 room
- Contributing to Open Source (lower attendance likely)
- Booth staffed by Mark and Alyssa
- Welcome others from the community, local to Los Angeles
- FOSDEM Feb 5-6, 2022
- Advocacy budget items
- Swag for Professor Andrew Myers
- Condorcet Internet Voting System (CIVS)
- Mark to provide email address, Alyssa send the invitation for swag
- Preparing Alyssa’s budget request for 2022
- She Code Africa Contributhon sponsorship
- Internships
- Swag for Professor Andrew Myers
- Google Summer of Code 2022
- AT: to look into what we did in the past and have timeline
- Alyssa check with CDF to confirm their plan
- Agreed in governance meeting that we are doing GSoC
- Need leaders to run the program
- Jean-Marc interested in being one of the leaders on the program
- AT: to look into what we did in the past and have timeline
- JMM: What measurement do we have for Advocacy and Outreach activities?
- Later work on measurements
- Has access to data sources that may help us understand community health
- Discuss and understand in more detail what we envision and what is available
- JMM: What kind of data could we use to support these initiatives?
- AT: Suggests that as we build out our plans for these initiatives we could set those goals/metrics.