My Jenkins is running with version 2.426.1. I have 3 pipelines for an instance let’s name them as P1, P2 and P3. I setup them a while ago and all of them are working fine. I use P1 and P2 pretty often. When it comes to P3 I don’t use it often and it’s last successfull run was a month ago and I didn’t ran it from past one month.
Today i logged into the server that hosting my jenkins and under the workspace directory i only see the folders of P1 and P2 pipeline but not P3 now. Can i know why i’m unable to see the P3 folder in the workspace directory?
I’m pretty sure i saw that P3 folder a month ago under the workspace directory. Is there any specific why i’m unable to see it now? Is it a default feature of the jenkins, if we don’t use our pipeline for a while it won’t show the pipeline folder?
Note: I can see the pipeline from the UI, but i can’t see it’s folder under the workspace directory in the server/node hosting jenkins.
Please let me know if anyone came up with the same prblm.
Appreciate your responses.
Prudhvi M.