Uable to triggers emails post job completion

I am unable set up email configuration with OAuth 2.0 based authentication. Any help on this is helpful.
Please find the error I am getting from debug console.

DEBUG SMTP: protocolConnect login,, user=xxxx.xxxx@xxxxxx password=
DEBUG SMTP: Attempt to authenticate using mechanisms: XOAUTH2
DEBUG SMTP: Using mechanism XOAUTH2
DEBUG SMTP: AUTH XOAUTH2 command trace suppressed
AuthenticationFailedException message: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [ 2023-02-14T10:30:47.855Z 08DB0D855F03FDCF]

According to Google, the 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful error message seems to mean you did not enable SMTP authentication on your Office 365 account.

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Thanks @PierreBtz for your response. I will check this settings.

@PierreBtz as I checked with the IT team SMTP authentication is enabled for my org. Probably I am doing something wrong on passing OAuth 2.0 authentication details in Jenkins configuration.
Could you please guide me how to config these data in Jenkins.
Thanks in advance!

Sorry I don’t know anything about those settings. The error code seems to come from the backend server though, your IT team may be able to see some error in the server logs that might guide you on what’s wrong.

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