we are using Jenkins as CICD tool for our salesforce DevOps activities. I have configured our pipeline in such a way like, if there is any match to the target branch which i have configured in Jenkins file. but if I trigger the Jenkins job to some other branch which is not configured in the Jenkins file the pipeline is triggering and failing with no credentials error, as we don’t have any org connected to the branch.
User Credentialsdevelop1
sfLoginUrl https://test.salesforce.com source Delta_pkgerrorFile develop1ErrorLog.txt
pull request 58
git log --oneline -1
grep -o -m 1 ‘#[0-9]*’
validationFilePath C:/Program Files (x86)/Jenkins/workspace/validation/develop1.txt
Could not find credentials entry with ID 'develop1’Could not find credentials entry with ID ‘develop1’
exit 1
script returned exit code 1[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace…
[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used…