One solution is delete the agent where this happened from Jenkins and then recreate the agent. Restarting Jenkins should also resolve the problem.
Sometime ago I’ve seen this happen more often so I have written a small freestyle job that allows me to remove such workspaces.
So you will need to create a freestyle job with 3 parameters
agentName (String)
ws (String) the full path to the workspace
dryrun (Boolean)
Then paste below script in a Execute System Groovy script and run the job.
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote
j = Jenkins.get()
final def resolver = build.buildVariableResolver
agentName = resolver.resolve("agentName").trim()
ws = resolver.resolve("ws")
P_DRYRUN = resolver.resolve("dryrun")
dryrun = "true".equals(P_DRYRUN)
nodeLink = HyperlinkNote.encodeTo("/computer/" + agentName, agentName)
println("Dryrun: " + dryrun)
agent = j.getNode(agentName)
if (agent == null)
println("Agent not found: " + agentName)
return 1
c = agent.toComputer()
busyExecutors = c.countBusy()
executorCount = c.countExecutors()
workspaceCount = c.workspaceList.inUse.keySet().size()
println(" Busy Executors: " + busyExecutors )
println(" Workspaces : " + workspaceCount)
println(" Executor count : " + executorCount)
for (e in c.getExecutors())
if (e.isBusy())
for (entry in c.workspaceList.inUse.entrySet())
key = entry.getKey()
value = entry.getValue()
println(" " + key)
println(" " + value)
println(" " + value.context.getClass().getName())
if (key ==~ /.*@\d+$/ )
println(" Error: Found an workspace with count > 1")
if (workspaceCount > busyExecutors)
println(" Error: Found an active workspace although no executors are busy")
if (!dryrun)
println(" Removing inUse workspace " + ws)
result = c.workspaceList.inUse.remove(ws)
if (result == null) {
println(ws + " was not included in the workspace list")
return 1