Revamped build history widget

Wanted to gather thoughts on a refined interface for the build history widget. The principles for it were to modernise it (both in appearance and the code behind it) whilst keeping its density and functionality.

Key differences

  • Builds are now grouped by date, keeping each build row simpler
  • The entire row is now clickable rather than just the link (with the exception of the build status/badges)
  • The link dropdown has been moved to an always present overflow menu
  • The RSS buttons now sit in an overflow menu

Let me know your thoughts.

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Looks fancy, what does the bookmark icon on the right of build 4 represent?

The UI is clean and concise and looks good! Is it still part of the navigation (side) bar? Or how does the expand button work? Is the progress bar still shown when a build is running? For people with infrequent builds it might require more space as before.

It’s currently a placeholder symbol for the lock icon - for when you choose to keep a build permanently.

It is still part of the sidebar yes.

The expand button replaces the existing ‘Trend’ link, idea being that clicking it will give you a better overview of your builds with graphs etc.

The progress bar shows as before, albeit now modern and following the new colour palette.

For those with very builds it will take up a touch more space, but I think it’s worth the compromise to make those with more builds easier to scan.