Migrate from Weekly release 2.472 to Stable (LTS) version 2.462.1

Jenkins setup :

  • VM Windows server 2012R2
  • Jenkins Weekly release 2.472
  • IIS Express


I would like to update my Jenkins installation but I have a technical problem.
My Jenkins installation was done several years ago via an installation file under Windows, since then the updates are done from the Jenkins GUI.
I would like to switch from the Weekly release channel to the stable channel and do the updates from the installation file available on the WEB site and no longer from the Jenkins GUI.

My problem is that when I perform the operation, the setup makes me a new installation without recovering the data in place (I give it the installation directory of what is in place).

Have you ever noticed a similar problem to update Jenkins from the installation file on the Jenkins site?

My problem with updates from the GUI is that the Jenkins version number is not modified at the Windows level, that my application inventory tool is based on this value and that it gives me CVEs even though the installation is up to date.


The Windows installer does not support an upgrade operation. The thing I would recommend is downloading the war file for the version you want, stop the Jenkins service and replace the war file, then restart. This should get you onto the LTS releases going forward.

As for the update to the version number, I had a powershell script around that would do that, let me see if I can find it. I was going to put it into the MSI itself, but haven’t had the chance yet.

See this post for the script I created: Windows -- Upgrading in place doesn't update version information in Add/Remove Programs - #9 by slide_o_mix

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Thanks for your quick response, I should be able to manage with the information provided.

Best regards