Jenkins Update Center -> upgrade 3.12 into 3.13

I have upgraded Jenkins Update Center 2 from version 3.12 into 3.13
On version 3.12 all works as expected
but on version 3.13 It was introduced “Removing artifact file without corresponding pom file”
and what I can see
my hpi, jpi files and also war files do not have corresponding POMs
in result all elements in Set Collection are cleaned up
And I have doubt
Only I have such issue ?
Is anyone who faces the same issue ?
Can we validate that together ?

It is expected that properly published artifacts have corresponding pom files (among other things). We’re only using this tool with Index of releases/ and the content there generally satisfies this expectation (and if not, something went wrong during plugin release, so this change now ignores the release).

If you use this tool with a repository to which you only uploaded plugin hpi files, and there are no corresponding pom files, the tool is no longer compatible with your repository (although I’m kinda surprised it worked in the first place).

Thanks Daniel
I am checking that

Problem resolved…
It was issue related with hardcoding in
By the way
is someone working on replacing hardcoded elements like ARTIFACTORY_URL or ARTIFACTORY_REPONAME
you know
there are a lot of people who are not familiar with AQL …
or maybe our team should prepare new config file and prepare PULL REQUEST ?

is someone working on replacing hardcoded elements like ARTIFACTORY_URL or ARTIFACTORY_REPONAME

or maybe our team should prepare new config file and prepare PULL REQUEST ?

The tool is intended for use in Jenkins project infrastructure. This is documented in the readme. I’ve accepted some PRs in the past that allow some customization of behavior, but I do not plan to accept changes introducing code paths that are never used by the Jenkins project, effectively just increasing the maintenance burden.

Depending on your needs, a PR allowing overriding some hardcoded elements might be acceptable (Artifactory URL and repository name could be enough?); alternatively you could consider forking the project and maintaining a fork with your needed customization, occasionally pulling in upstream changes. A more lightweight update site generator like Juseppe might work for you too.