Jenkins Pipeline Job Dropdown Not Showing 'Pipeline script' or 'Pipeline script from SCM' Options

I’ve just set up a new Jenkins instance (version 2.479.3), installed the necessary plugins for Pipeline jobs, and configured a new pipeline job. However, under the Pipeline section in the job configuration, the Definition dropdown menu is completely empty. I am unable to see the options for:

  • Pipeline script
  • Pipeline script from SCM

I have installed the following pipeline-related plugins:

  • Pipeline: API (Version 1363.v03f731255494)
  • Pipeline: Job (Version 1498.v33a_0c6f3a_4b_4)
  • Pipeline: SCM Step (Version 427.v4ca_6512e7df1)
  • Pipeline: Supporting APIs (Version 936.v9fa_77211ca_e1)

I cannot uninstall the Pipeline: Nodes and Processes and Pipeline: Step API plugins because they are used by other installed plugins, but I’ve tried uninstalling other non-essential plugins and restarting Jenkins with no success.

What I’ve tried:

  • Checked Jenkins logs for errors related to pipeline plugins (no clear issues found).
  • Reinstalled the pipeline plugins.
  • Restarted Jenkins several times.
  • Ensured sufficient permissions for the user.
  • Tried creating new jobs after uninstalling some plugins (still the dropdown is empty).

My goal:

To see the two options “Pipeline script” and “Pipeline script from SCM” in the Definition dropdown menu for a pipeline job.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or knows what might be causing the missing dropdown options in Jenkins 2.479.3? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Install the “Pipeline: Declarative” plugin.