Jenkins fresh installation in RHEL9

Hi Experts,

We are planning to install fresh Jenkins in RHEL9 and after installation we will be migrating jobs from Jenkins instance which is installed on CENTOS server to RHEL9.

Currently we are using Jenkins version 2.370 in Centos. We are planning to install latest version in RHEL9.

Also kindly advise on below

  1. which version of Jenkins should be installed in RHEL9 which will be compactable to migrate jobs from older version.

  2. Kindly Confirm if there is any doc which can be used to install jenkins in RHEL.

  3. If there is any way to get vendor support for Jenkins during installation and after installation on project basis.

  4. Any key point that should be kept in mind during is installation of fresh instance of Jenkins.

  5. What is the system requirement for installing Jenkins in RHEL9

Upgrading from 2.370 (a weekly release from over a year ago) needs a review of multiple LTS changelogs and multiple upgrade guides. Review and heed the concerns in all of them.

Persuade your organization that they should allocate time to upgrade monthly rather than delaying upgrades. When you delay upgrades, you accumulate a larger set of changes that need to be evaluated and considered during an upgrade.

The Jenkins project provides security support for the most recent LTS release and the most recent weekly release. You should choose the most recent LTS release and should plan to upgrade it monthly.

Video tutorial available at

I’m not aware of anyone that offers project based support for Jenkins. I’m confident that there are many DevOps consultants that you could hire as consultants, but I’m not aware of any specific examples.

Follow the installation instructions. Review the sizing advice.