Jenkins Email Integration

I integrated Email in Jenkins using my Gmail Credentials and allowing less secure apps which was working fine till May but Gmail stopped supporting this functionality
Now I am unable to send emails in Jenkins Jobs using the above integration

Please let me know if anyone has any alternative to integrating email with Jenkins

Thanks in advance

Hello @skatta and welcome back to this community :wave:

I assume you don’t have a SMTP server running on the machine Jenkins runs on, or in the same network?
If that’s the case, your problem is not really linked to Jenkins but to a service Google abandonned, I’m afraid :blush:

May I suggest to use a SMTP server through docker on your machine until you find a better solution?

Best wishes,

Yes you are right
I don’t have an SMTP server set up on Jenkins Server.

Google abandoned the service, I am checking to see if we have any alternative

I will try with docker to see if that works

Thank you for your response

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