Jenkins 2.401.2 LTS: Unexpected version conflicts

Hello - we hit a snag migrating our EC2(docker) Jenkins (2.401.2 LTS) to EKS. Plugins are suddenly demanding 2.401.3+, which is odd because we moved a few controllers to EKS just two weeks ago without a hitch.

Tried bumping to 2.401.3, but no dice - controller won’t start after data migration, possibly version mismatch(2.401.2 —> 2.401.3)

Any recent changes that might explain this 2.401.2 LTS rejection?

We’re using jenkins/jenkins:2.401.2-lts-jdk11

Thanks for any insights!

The update site only provides version info of plugins for 2.401.3 or newer. In the near future the minimum version will jump to 2.414.x probably as Jenkins only delivers data for Jenkins versions that are not older than about 1 year.
Anyway version 2.401.x is quite old. I strongly recommend to update to latest LTS and update all plugins.