Jenkin Pipeline jobs missing after upgraded to latest version of jenkins


My previous version of jenkins was 2.263.1 and i upgraded it to 2.426.1. All i did is i took backup of the whole jenkins home directory, sysconfig file and also jenkins file that is sitting in /etc/init.d directory. And then i installed the latest version war file and placed it in appropriate path and upgraded the java version 11 from 8 and then restarted the jenkins. That upgraded my version to latest version. But now when i logged in I don’t see all of my Jenkins pipeline jobs. Some of them are listing and most of them are missing. i’m kind of wondered why this happened to only some of the jobs. Is there any way i can get those missing pipeline jobs? Also I don’t see the pipeline option in the new item.

Is this a normal issue that everyone will comeup with when they upgrade the jenkins version? Is yes can anyone help me how to get my all the jobs.

Hoping for an early response. I’m happy to share more information if you need any specific to my environment.

Prudhvi M.

I would like to add one more point to the above question. I see lot of updates required in the plugins section. If i update all the plugins then is there any chance to recover my missing pipeline jobs? After updating the plugins if i want to downgrade my jenkins version will it cause any problems because of upgrading the plugins to new version? Please suggest. This is the reason why I didn’t updated the plugins yet and need some suggestions from the expertise.

That’s a 3 year jump in versions. 2.263.1 was released in Dec 2020. 2.426.1 was released in Nov 2023. Your organization accumulated debt by choosing to not upgrade for 3 years. You now need to pay off that debt.

You may want to persuade your organization that it should upgrade every month or at least every 3 months so that the debt does not accumulate in the future.

You’ve upgraded across multiple major changes that are documented in the release notes for each of the releases that you upgraded. You should read the release notes for each of the intervening releases between 2.263.1 and 2.426.1 so that you have some understanding of the types of changes that have happened in the intervening releases.

You should read the Marc Phillips blog post that describes his upgrade process. It may help you.

Yes, there is a chance that installing the current releases of your plugins will recover the missing Pipeline jobs.

After upgrading across 3 years of major changes in Jenkins, I have no hope that you could downgrade your Jenkins version, other than by restoring all the files from backup.

If you don’t upgrade the plugins then your Jenkins installation will have all sorts of problems. 3 year old plugins on a current version of Jenkins will be missing the changes that were implemented in

Thank you so much for the information…!!!

I agree it’s a very long jump in upgrading to the latest version from the 3 years old release. But from now we’ll take this into consideration and will upgrade our jenkins version regularly.

I need one more suggestion from you, what I’m thinking is instead of upgrading from a very long old version to latest, i can setup a fresh installation of the jenkins latest version in different machine and copy the jobs from the old version to new version. Out of these two which one do you think is the best way and what are the necessary things i have to keep in mind while copying the jobs from the old version to the latest version. Please give me possible benefits and drawbacks if there is any in both the approaches.

I’d use the fresh installation with a restore of the jobs and other files from the old version to the new version. It gives you a fresh operating system and a fresh installation using the current installation process.


I’ll consider the fresh installation instead of doing an inplace upgrade. As part of this i replaced the jenkins home directory with the backup i took and reverted the java version back to 8 and restarted the jenkins. The UI is up and running fine but i’m unable to login to the UI with my AD credentials.

Any idea why it’s not letting me in with my AD credentials (Note: I’m able to login with the AD creds previously). When i check the logs this is what i came across.

2023-11-17 18:25:54.939+0000 [id=10] WARNING h.p.a.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm$DescriptorImpl#bind: Failed to authenticate while binding to meow-aws-dc1:3268
javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090447, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v3839]
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(

2023-11-17 18:25:54.940+0000 [id=10] WARNING h.p.a.ActiveDirectoryUnixAuthenticationProvider#retrieveUser: Credential exception trying to authenticate against domain
org.acegisecurity.BadCredentialsException: Either no such user ‘’ or incorrect password
at hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm$DescriptorImpl.bind(
at hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectoryUnixAuthenticationProvider$

Could you please help me on how to overcome this error?


Unfortunately, I don’t have any ideas to offer. Check with the LDAP experts inside your organizatrion