Integrate Jenkins with Azure Databricks & Github in VSCode

Hello Team,
Greetings of the Day!!!

Hope you have a great day ahead!!!
We have installed extension of Azure Databricks, Github & Jenkins in VSCode.
Now the configuration parts come into the picture, so we have configured Azure Databricks & Logged in GitHub in VSCode. Now Turn comes of Jenkins.

We want to know that how can we configure Jenkins with GitHub. All Notebooks from Azure Databricks will be version controlled in GitHub for doing that we want to use Jenkins. There is no documentation to do so. Can you guide us how to do it.

Reference Link :- CI/CD with Jenkins on Azure Databricks - Azure Databricks | Microsoft Learn

Thank You in advance for any Support or Suggestion :grinning:
Looking forward for your valuable input.

Niral Dave.

Hello Team,
Greetings of the Day!!!

Just a gentle reminder. Kudos to Jenkins’ community spirit!!!
We’re currently stuck with integrating Jenkins and Azure Databricks for a vital CI/CD Pipeline via GitHub. Unfortunately, we’re sailing without a guidebook :open_book: on this one.

This is a crucial moment, and your expertise is gold :1st_place_medal:. The Azure Team hinted that your insights can be our guiding light :zap:.

Hoping for a quick lifeline from the Jenkins community. Thanks a bunch! :clap:t3:

Niral Dave.