I’m just getting started with Jenkins, so bear with me.
I installed Jenkins on my Win10 computer with WSL2/Docker (Ubuntu 20.02, Docker version 20.10.12, build e91ed57).
My whole PC is configured to display English, but I am located in France (and I’m using a mandatory VPN that locates me in Switzerland).
The GUI shows me messages in French, but some of them are still in English.
Would you know how to switch back to English, and while I’m here, as French is my mother tongue, how could I translate the remaining English labels/messages?
Welcome aboard.
And yes, the French translation could use some more attention (as for other languages). There are still some cheese holes in the translations.
From the top of my head, the locale plugin should help you to set the language. Install this plugin and you should be able to force the locale. But I might be wrong as it is a long time I faced this problem.
Thank you for the welcome and for your help.
I’m not going to look right away for the place to modify to fill in the holes in the translation, but I’m going to install the locale plugin to try to adjust the English/French mix.
I’ll keep you posted.
Also check what headers your browser is sending. Sites often look at ACCEPT Language header which seems to be configured independently (I get weird interactions having mine set to Canadian English)
You are right Gavin, my browser was sending (for whatever reason) Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3.
Once I switched the Accept-Language header, I got what I was expecting.